Friday, June 19, 2015

Analyzation Blog Post

By Kylie and Danielle

1. What are you trying to understand with your survey?
Demographics for people people who drink or are interested in drinking Red Bull.

2. Did the demographic questions you asked help you with understanding the results?


3. What would you change, if you could, in your survey?

We would take out Question 7 and probably add more questions about the characteristics of people that drink energy drinks.

4. Is there a difference in the boys results vs. the girls results? Explain.
Yes, we found that males are more likely to drink energy drinks than females. 

5. What question told you the most from your survey? Explain.

"Do you ever drink energy drinks?" Because it helped us to determine how relevant our survey was for people.

6. What summary can you give if at all about your results. If there are several please separate the results.
Boys are more likely to be tired and drink energy drinks than girls. Almost everybody would be open to trying a free Red Bull.

7. What is something you liked about this project?
Having the opportunity to be creative and decide what we wanted to give people a survey on.

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